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Video Chaptering API

Revolutionize your video content with Video Chaptering API, a cutting-edge tool that offers asynchronous, detailed video summarization and chaptering. Simply make a POST request, and receive an organized breakdown of your video into chapters with summaries and transcripts, enhancing user engagement and content accessibility."

Call the API

curl -X POST https://api.videosummary.io/v1/summary \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer xxx" \
  -d '{
    "url": "https://s3.us-east-1.wasabisys.com/videosummary/demo.mp4",
    "chapter": true,
    "summarize": true,
    "id": "your id", // optional, to keep track of which video this is on your end.
    "callback": "https://your.callback.url/results"

API Response (Callback)

  "summary": "...text of the summary",
  "transcript": "https://url.to.transcript",
  "chaptering": "https://url.to.chaptering",
  "id": "123" // your id you sent to us (optional)

Chaptering Response

    "start": 0.0,
    "end": 23.5,
    "title": "Agreement and Challenges",
    "text": "Speaker 03 recounts making a difficult business decision and acknowledges how challenging the business is, while Speaker 01 does not believe the plan worked, despite achieving customer acquisition."
    "start": 23.5,
    "end": 62.0,
    "title": "Introduction to Q&A Session",
    "text": "Speaker 01 introduces a Q&A session focused on how to gain the first 100 customers in businesses, emphasizing the importance of the initial steps to gaining momentum."
    "start": 62.0,
    "end": 116.42,
    "title": "Experience with Scaling",
    "text": "Both Speaker 01 and Speaker 03 discuss their experiences with scaling various projects and businesses, setting the stage for sharing specific methods of customer acquisition."
    "start": 116.42,
    "end": 147.12,
    "title": "Starting with Roommates App",
    "text": "Speaker 01 begins the discussion of how he got users for his first business, a roommate matching app, by utilizing craigslist and hosting events."
    "start": 147.12,
    "end": 177.38,
    "title": "Marketing Techniques",
    "text": "Further explanation of the methods used to attract customers to the roommate matching business, including the use of events that bring together prospective tenants."
    "start": 177.38,
    "end": 263.16,
    "title": "Craigslist as a Customer Source",
    "text": "Speaker 01 details how they utilized Craigslist advertisements to drive traffic to their website and acquire initial users."
    "start": 263.16,
    "end": 274.66,
    "title": "HubSpot Advertisement",
    "text": "A brief interlude where Speaker 00 delivers an ad read for HubSpot, a company offering growth tools for businesses."
    "start": 274.66,
    "end": 330.8,
    "title": "Event Marketing Strategy",
    "text": "Speaker 03 asks about the specifics of running events and Speaker 01 shares a unique event marketing strategy called 'Pizza in 40s' used for another one of his projects."
    "start": 330.8,
    "end": 403.74,
    "title": "Sushi Restaurant Venture",
    "text": "Speaker 03 shares his experience with a sushi restaurant chain that operated on a cloud kitchen model with delivery-only services."
    "start": 403.74,
    "end": 473.98,
    "title": "Delivery-Only Restaurant Marketing",
    "text": "Continuing the conversation, Speaker 03 describes the early marketing efforts, including face-to-face sales, to gain customers for the delivery-only restaurant."